Criminal Justice
Debbie believes that criminal justice reform is crucial to a thriving society, and that starts with initiatives that aim to protect our community. As a member of the Hays County Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission, she understands how necessary it is to reform our justice system, and that it takes help from everyone in our community to do so. Some of Debbie's work includes:
Public Defenders' Office
Debbie sponsored the securing of a 5-year, $11.28M contract with Neighborhood Defender Service, Inc (NDS), to bring the first Public Defender's Office to Hays County. The contract, until 09/30/2027, allocates $5M from the American Rescue Plan Act, with the remaining to be budgeted annually. NDS will handle 35% of all Hays County cases, with an emphasis on defendants needing mental health evaluations.
Cite & Divert Program
Debbie sponsored a program called Cite & Divert, involving law enforcement from Hays County, San Marcos, Buda, Kyle and Texas State University. This program offers an alternative to the criminal justice system for low-level misdemeanors like marijuana possession or misdemeanor theft. Instead of going to jail, individuals meet with a prosecutor who might recommend diversion options, such as educational courses or community service. This helps keep their record clean, avoiding arrest or criminal charges if they follow the plan. The program aims to reduce the number of people in jail. 
Padilla Services
Debbie's commitment to ensuring fair and informed legal representation for our immigrant community is highlighted in her sponsoring of multiple initiatives related to immigration law in Hays County. She secured a grant from the Texas Indigent Defense Commission (TIDC) to establish a first-of-its-kind Regional Padilla Compliance Pilot Program to provide crucial resources for defense attorneys handling immigration-related cases. She also facilitated the execution of a Padilla Consultation Agreement with the Capital Area Private Defender Service (CAPDS) for the Regional Padilla Compliance Pilot program. This ensures ongoing support for indigent defendants in compliance with Padilla v. Kentucky, which is a Supreme Court case that states criminal defense attorneys must advise their non-citizen clients about the immigration consequences of a guilty plea. Debbie led the effort to apply for another TIDC grant to create a pilot program allowing Central Texas criminal defense attorneys access to immigration law specialists, the first of its kind in non-urban Texas counties.

Hays County Pretrial Bond Program
Debbie sponsored and received approval for the Hays County Pretrial Bond Program. The program aims to reduce the inmate population by identifying individuals eligible for release on Personal Recognizance Bonds. This program helps reduce the jail population, allows defendants to return to work, and promotes a collaborative, evidence-based decision-making process among stakeholders. 
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