Debbie will continue to strongly support the efforts to protect our water resources and other natural resources from those coming in and threatening our way of life. She believes we must have the water for our children and future generations to come, so Debbie has: 
Francis Harris Lane at York Creek - Low Water Crossing Reopened
Debbie sponsored and successfully passed a project to address road closures and safety concerns at Francis Harris Lane in York Creek. The goal was to find solutions to reduce flooding, and the approved design involved replacing pipes, widening the pavement, and adding safety rails at the creek crossing.
Texas Water Development Board (TWDB)/Flood Protection Plant Grant
Debbie brought forward an item that was passed in Commissioners Court for Hays County to enter a contract with the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for a Flood Protection Plan Grant. This grant was used to expand the Early Flood Warning Monitoring System, and the plan included enhancing warning systems, potential gaging sites for streams and rainfall at specific locations, and monitoring for dam water levels.
Precinct 1&2 Low Water Crossings
Debbie proposed and received approval from the Commissioners Court to coordinate utilities for low water crossings in Precincts 1 & 2. The project aimed to address the relocation of utilities at various locations including Chapparal Park Road, Bunton Lane (3 crossings), Grist Mill Road, Cotton Gin Road, Francis Harris Lane, and Turnersville Road.
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